Transportable Hydrogen Clock VCH-2020

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The main application is a high precision time scale and frequency comparison/calibration of distant time keeping laboratories.

Key Applications
– National Time Keeping Service;
– Scientific institutes and universities;
– Radio Astronomy (VLBI);
– Ground support systems for GNSS.

Output signals:
one output: 5 MHz (sine), 1±0.2 V RMS into 50 Ohms,
one output: 10 MHz (sine), 1±0.2 V RMS into 50 Ohms,
one output: 100 MHz (sine), 1±0.2 V RMS into 50 Ohms,
one output: 1 Hz (pulse): Amplitude: >2.5 V into 50 Ohms; width: (15±5) µs.
Rise time: <3ns.
Sync. input to output <25ns.
The time keeping accuracy during the 12-hour transportation (without relativistic effects): ≤1.0 ns.

Frequency stability σy (3, τ) :

Cavity tuning system time constant
τ~50 s τ~2000 s
Time domain for use during 12-hour
for use in lab for use in lab
1 s ≤3.0·10 -13 ≤1.5·10 -13 ≤1.5·10 -13
10 s ≤3.0·10 -14 ≤3.0·10 -14 ≤3.0·10 -14
100 s ≤1.2·10 -14 ≤1.2·10 -14 ≤6.0·10 -15
1000 s ≤4.0·10 -15 ≤3.5·10 -15 ≤2.0·10 -15
3600 s ≤3.0·10 -15 ≤2.0·10 -15 ≤1.5·10 -15
10 000 s ≤1.5·10 -15 ≤1.0·10 -15
1 day ≤5.0·10 -16 ≤5.0·10 -16

When transporting the THC in working order, the following conditions must be met:
– ambient temperature from plus 20 to plus 25 °С;
– relative humidity up to 90% at a temperature of plus 25 °С;

Phase noise at 5 MHz output

1 Hz ≤−118 dBc/Hz
10 Hz ≤−130 dBc/Hz
100 Hz ≤−150 dBc/Hz
1 kHz ≤−155 dBc/Hz
10 kHz ≤−155 dBc/Hz
100 kHz ≤−155 dBc/Hz

Temperature sensitivity is less than 1.5·10 -15 /°С.
Magnetic field sensitivity is less than 1.0·10 -14 /Gauss.
Dimensions are 520 mm wide by 554 mm deep by 965 mm high.
Weight is 70 kg.
Consumption ≤80 W during transportation.
The device can operate both from 85-264 VAC and on an external DC source either from 12 to 15VDC or from 22 to 30 VDC.
The built-in battery provides 4 hours of autonomous operation.