Phase Comparator-Analyzer VCH-325

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Phase comparator-analyzer VCH-325 is intended for precise frequency instability and phase noise measurements (Allan deviation, L(f)).

Key applications:

– Metrological characteristics monitoring of the of precise signal sources, including crystal oscillators and quantum frequency standards;
– Scientific research measurements.

Manual for VCH-325, VCH-325A
– Operational Manual download


The comparator has two identical measuring channels (three inputs) and uses correlation processing providing extremely low measurement error and the frequency instability calculation of each input signals.
Input signals: sinusoidal in frequency range from 1 up to 100 MHz (different frequencies at all inputs are allowed), level (0.6−1.2) Vrms, 50 Ohm load.
Noise bandwidth: 0.5, 1.5, 5, 50, 500 Hz.
Averaging time range: 0.001 s to 10 5 s.
Phase noise spectrum measurement range: 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz.
Allan deviation noise floor, not more:

Allan deviation
Averaging time Passband For the input signal pairs (YX, ZX) “Two inputs” mode for the input signal pair YX.
“Three inputs” mode for the input signal X
Specification Typical Specification Typical
0.01 s 50 5.0·10 −12 2.5·10 −12 3.0·10 −13 3.0·10 −14
0.1 s 5 6.0·10 −13 2.5·10 −13 1.0·10 −13 9.0·10 −15
1 s 0.5
3.0·10 −14 9.0·10 −15 5.0·10 −15 1.0·10 −15
10 s 5.0·10 −15 1.5·10 −15 1.0·10 −15 1.5·10 −16
100 s 1.0·10 −15 5.5·10 −16 2.0·10 −16 8.0·10 −17
1 hour 2.0·10 −16 8.0·10 −17 1.0·10 −16 9.0·10 −17
1 day 5.0·10 −17 5.0·10 −17 5.0·10 −17 7.0·10 −18

Phase Noise floor, not more

Frequency offset Phase Noise L(f), dBc/Hz
“Three inputs” mode for the input signal pairs (YX, ZX)
Specification Typical
Frequency of input signals Frequency of input signals
5 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 100MHz
1 Hz −130 −127 −107 −141 −138 −119
10 Hz −143 −135 −115 −145 −146 −128
100 Hz −145 −143 −127 −147 −147 −133
1 kHz −146 −145 −133 −148 −148 −134
10 kHz −147 −145 −135 −148 −149 −138
100 kHz −148 −146 −140 −148 −150 −143
Frequency offset Phase Noise L(f), dBc/Hz
“Two inputs” mode the input signal pair YX.
“Three inputs” mode for the input signal (X)
Specification Typical
Frequency of input signals Frequency of input signals
5 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 100MHz
1 Hz −135 −130 −110 −148 −144 −128
10 Hz −150 −145 −127 −160 −156 −142
100 Hz −155 −153 −140 −168 −165 −152
1 kHz −160 −158 −143 −172 −170 −157
10 kHz −163 −160 −150 −175 −172 −164
100 kHz −163 −160 −155 −176 −173 −168

Interfaces: USB.
Software: calculates relative frequency difference, Allan deviation, phase noise spectrum.
Temperature in use: +5°С to +40°С.
Power supply: AC(198÷242)V.
Power consumption: not more 60 V·A.
Size (H×W×D): 184×449×337 mm.
Weight: not more 12 kg.